Thursday, December 31, 2009

Winter Break 09

Taking a 2 week break from school and as i left thursday two weeks ago i was so happy to get out of school!! Three days of none stop finals are really killer. Seriously bombed them all because of my careless study skills and ON thursday i was just happy to get out of there.
Had a wonderful weekend ahead of me. My best friends Brooke Johnson and her best guy friend and also one of my friends Daniel Thompson were gonna hang out and i was invited. We had planned to go to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffels but the driving status didnt really work out (my fault because i didnt get a note signed by my parentals) but even if i did get a note signed we wouldnt have been able to get Daniel to drive us. Now his parents are so chill but this was important because its the law so we have his mom, Mrs. Thompson, drive us to the Northridge Mall.
Dainel had some Christmas shopping to do so we just hung out. We had a blast i tell you. Three high schoolers hanging out on a saturday was so awesome. We ate at CPK and i had never eaten there before so i had Daniel choose what we were gonna eat. Lunch was really good except for before we had the pizza Daniel shared a really nasty pizza story which messed up the pizza for me and Brooke, haha. The best part was the waitress with the highest pitch of a voice that just made me laugh so hard (and i laugh at about anything just ask anyone who knows me). Oh and something else was Daniel getting hit on but the check guy whom we judged as "gay" but he did hit on Daniel and it was beyond funny.
So we went back to the mall to finish shopping and left to go back to Daniels house to watch some of THE OFFICE, for sure the best show EVER!!!! Meanwhile Mrs.Thompson was busting out dancing to Journey in the kitchen.. It was so funny watching her dance and listening to her sing and making us sing along was the best thing ever (LOVE YOU MRS. THOMPSON!!)
We were suppose to go to our church's Christmas Concert that night and it was the best concert ever. Honestly our church puts on the best Christmas concert series of all time and it is such a blessing to my life!!
So after that i pretty much had a really boring break. My dad is off for 2 weeks as well and he's using it to run his errands so im stuck at home watching tv and on the computer all day, oh and cleaning cant forget the cleaning. I also got sick last week so i havent been able to go anywhere because i need to get better before school monday. This break has stunk so far but i need to finish it off strongly because i really dont want to be sick when i go back to school!!!
I hope everyone else had a wonderful break and i cant wait to enter 2010 tonight with a new spirit and start if off with Christ on my mind and in my heart.
~In Christ Alone~

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010! 2010! 2010!

Well the reason why i started blogging was because i was bored this past summer and i thought to myself "Hmm i should blog and write about my life as a high schooler and hope to look back when im older haha." So i did hence this blog :)
I follow some really awesome people who inspire me to write more then i usually do. I think its funny because they are all moms that i know from my church and have much more interesting things to write about but im just getting started.
Im really looking forward to ,if the Lord wills get married and have children. I want to be a God honoring young lady and live my life for Christ. Yes it is a daily struggle because it is no lie, but i want to be an example for others and love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind. Not only is it a new years resolution but it is something i resolve to do.
~In Christ Alone~


So im on my new laptop right now and boy did this give me a headache!!! It was ridiculous!! So we have a computer for like the family right and it has a modem so we had to buy a wireless rouder. So we open it and i try to install it (bad idea). It worked fine at first but apparently i did something wrong because the desktop lost the internest and my laptop had internet. So i call ATT and ask them for help and i literally spent 5 hours so frustrated with this computer, the internet went in and out and we finally wnet to Best Buy and the guy told me that i did it wrong so i did it how the guy told me to and it worked fine right... NOT
The next day the internet wasnt working on either computer and i wanted to cry!!! I had no idea what i did wrong. So i woke up today think it wasnt working and it dd work!!! I was depending on what i could do and i am human and a girl and cant do anything right!!!
A verse that ive been repeating in my head is

Psalm 103:2 (New International Version)

2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
So today i shall praise HIM!!!!
God is so good and we are so blind see that we cant do anything without HIM :)
~In Christ Alone~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas time is here

Today is Christmas Ever and its really great to understand the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the baby that was born and that is what we celebrate.

LUKE 1:26-35
26In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. 28The angel went to her and said,"Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."

29Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. 31You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.32He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end."

34"How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"

35The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be calleda]" style="line-height: 0.5em; ">[a] the Son of God.

What a scence that would have been to see. Jesus was God who would become a man to be born like a man and to live like man did but later to give up his life as an innocent man to die for all those who arent innocent! That is you and me! We are sinners and we need the forgiveness from God. The only way to do that is to have faith in Jesus Christ his death and his resurrection on the thrid day!

Romans 10:9

9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

This is the true meaning of Christmas the celebration of the birth of a baby who was the Savior of the world!! Christmas is not a once a year holiday it is an everyday celebration in the hearts of all those who believe :)

~Merry Christmas Everyone~



PLEASE buy Justin Biebers new album MY WORLD in stores now and on ITUNES!!!!

Also on itunes a new version of the popular "One Time ~ My Heart Edition" (Love this one so much more than the original)

Christmas Fellowship

On December 22 our Fellowship group had a funn Christmas partay!!


So i am OBSESSED i think would be the right word about this 15 year old cutie named Justin Bieber

So me and my best friend Brooke Johnson and my newest friend Carleigh Peterson went to see him at universal City Walk on my 16th birthday November 17th. This was the day his first album MY WORLD came out! I was beyond excited to go see him perform and it was great! We waited for like 2 hours until he finally came out but it was so worth it. I felt so bad because my friends and i were separated and i got to go see him in "priority viewing" and they were stuck with a crazy mother and daughter screaming in their ears haha but we got to get our cds signed by him at the end because we are so cool like that.
So when we got to get our cds signed i was going nutts because it was the blue bracelets first #1-500 and pink bracelets second #500 till he got tired of signing. I was the one with the blue bracelet and my 2 friends were pink and i didnt want to go alone!!! So i sneaked them in because the security guy was distracted by the millions of girls trying to get through haha. So i get up there to the table i could see him adn i was screaming! I told Carleigh " Carleigh its my birthday and im so excited to be here" the guy that was holding poeple back was like " Its your birthday?" and i was like "Yeah 16 today"- i was also wearing a tiara haha and he says " Justin its this girls birthday" and pushes me to the signing table in the cutest voice Justin says " Happy Birthday!" and at this point im about to cry becasue im inches away for the boy im madly in love with and i said "Justin thank you so much for your music you are soo awesome i love your songs" and again in the sweetest voice he says "Thank you" and signs my cd Happy Birthday JB!!!!

It was the best birthday ever! My parents gave me a lap top and my best friend made me a cake and it was a beautiful day of worship because i dont deserve to live!!! It was by Gods amazing grace that i breath and move today!! thank you my GOD!! And to top it off i got to go see Justin :) Hes very talented and so young. Check him out~


