Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's a New School Year

On August 17th i began my JUNIOR YEAR of High School!! I was really excited for a new year and new teachers. I honestly have hated school since i could remember, haha, but i was ready for a new year. I have been encouraged by friends, small group leaders, and parents to do my best this year and to make it my best year i have ever had and i believe that! I have made it my goal to have A's for the whole school year and i know i have to take it one day at a time:)
I pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and knowledge to have awesome grades this yeah and prepair for senrior year!
So far it has been amazing! I have great teachers, no one to complain about, and i am so blessed to go to an awesome school! I hope it stays that way...

~In Christ Alone~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer Camp ReCap

So about 2 weeks ago our church had a summer camp. The theme was THE COST. It was based on Lk 9:23-24. I think that what impacted me the most was learning about the price Christ paid for me and the cost that it takes to follow Jesus. I think that for me i need(ed) to give up my sins, thoughts, and desires that were of the world. I think that these things truly hindered me to be a true desciple of Christ and go out into the world and preach the gospel. I wasnt glorifying the Lord with my sins and my desires to be accepted and liked by people and the becoming my focus. I enjoued camp so much and i think that i had a completly different week than i expected to have. The week i looked foward to was a week of fun, games that were intence, and fellowship, but it turned out to be a week of confessing sins, amazing games, and dealing with trials i was hoping to leave at home. Praise God i learned so much and it is all for His glory!~Psalm 51:10~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Getting healthier as a family

So yesterday my dad went to a doctors appointment and turns out his cholesterol is still really high. So i was watching tv on my bed getting fatter by the minute and my dad says we are going to my high school track to run. Well ever since we moved, which was 4 years ago, we havent gone outside to be active. Its not just because we are lazy but because we are all busy. So our summer vacation is coming to an end and we are going to be busier that ever again so my dad asked us if we wanted to go running with him. I am a very independent person when it comes to working out so i was very iffy about it but i have been pushing him to take me running and working out so i said sure why not.
So we went and i really was not in the mood to go running but i started off and it felt AMAZING! I fell rejuvenated and just really good about myself. Praise God. You know God is so good! As 1 Corinthians says 31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. And through running i gave God thanks through my body and taking care of it! I thank God for my body and for the opportunity to be on this earth healthy and with 10 fingers and 10 toes! There is no reason to be discontent!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Vacation

Well sophomore year ended june 4th and on to summer vacation. An oportunity to sleep in and eat all you want but in many ways this was not the case for me and my siblings this summer. My younger sister had summer school at 8 every morning and i had to take her. So that ment waking up early and getting her up, making her something to eat and droping her off. I was upset at first beacasue like i said summer vacation means sleeping in and eating until im like 300 pounds but it was my smart idea to go running every morning. See Lately i have been watching my weight, or i think i am, so i was like if im going to get up early i might as well go running so i did. It was great at first and i did loose 6 pounds and i was very proud of myself. So i also got a summer job, well it was a voulunteer job so i didnt get paid but it was still a job. It was fun. What i did was i was a camp councelor through the City of Burbank. i learned to do activities with the kids, mostly the girls, and i served lunch and hung out with the kids. I leanred so much and i got school hours for it so it was worth it.
I think the high light of every summer since 4th grade is summer camp with my church. We go up to a camp site usually up in the mountains somewhere and we have sessions filled with truth and scripture we also sing and worship our great king. We have really intence games that as you grow up and go into junior high up to high school ministries they get more disgusting and grose! But anyway camp is filled with fellowship and time with true friends and finding new friends. So this year i had such a blessed experience at camp. The theme was THE COST and is was based on Luke 9:23-24 which says 23Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.24For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.
Camp was all about the cost that it takes to follow Jesus and i learned so much about myself and my sins throught this!
Now school starts in a couple days, Monday to be exact, and i am so ready for JUNIOR YEAR!!! Nowing about THE COST and what it takes to follow Jesus i am ready to be a true disciple of Christ and share the gospel with the world!
~Galatians 2:20~