Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 "I resolve to..."

I can not believe that 2011 is gone, just like that. I don't like New Year's Resolution because it makes me feel like i need to keep a promise or something crazy like that. I"M NOT PERFECT!!! All i know is that i want this new year to be a year of knowing my Savior more.
Some things i'm looking forward to working on:
-Something i'll always be working on is studying the Bible more
how: by having a plan and having a diligent schedule
-Read a new book every month, 12 a year
-Cut out t.v. during the week, limit to two hours a day
-keep a consistent study/homework schedule, prepare before the week starts
theses are only a few things that i want to begin working on another thing i need is accountability so coming back to this post every once in a while will be helpful.

{In Christ alone}

January 2, 2012

I have this friend...
She isn't perfect and lately she has been struggling with an issue that most single people struggle with, being SINGLE. There are moments where she finds herself desiring a relationship even though the Lord has not provided that for her yet.
For the past couple months she has been battling with a new enemy. This enemy was in disguise until she picked up Joshua Harris' book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Reading this book was a journey for her because it addressed some of the issues that she had been struggling with lately. Some of these issues were issues like being "just friends" with guys, purity, impatience, loving her singleness, etc.
This past week she began to share with me about the chapter she'd been reading. She was reading through chapter ten titled "Guard Your Heart." She told me that at first she was reading the chapter like usual but then she put down for a few days to celebrate the new year. On Sunday she went to church and she saw the guy that she had been noticing (aka crushing on). They had met at a church gathering over the summer and they occasionally said hi to each other at church. She had asked a friend about a month after they met if she knew him. Her friend shared with her what she knew and thought about him. My friend heard her friend out and at first she was dissapointed because her friend didn't give her a very good review of this guy. My friend ended up not seeing him for a few weeks which gave her time to "get over" the crush or so she though. Then he came to church. She lit up and became very excited to see him. My friend told me that she basically forgot what her friend had told her when this guy came up to her and said hi. She said that it felt nice and she appreciated the attention he was giving her. My friend told me that at first it was an innocent crush but then she started to think about him more and more. She would day dream about the future and "what could be." When she told me this it sounded ridiculous but i know she's not the only one who does this or struggles with this. Anyway, she continued to share with me that the more she would she him at her church the more she enjoyed his presence. Eventually he became what she looked forward to on Sunday mornings. My friend didn't tell anyone she had these feelings or that she had a "crush" on this guy. After telling me how it started she shared with me what happened this past Sunday. After a couple weeks of not seeing him he came to church that Sunday and said hi to her. Even though she knew it wasn't a big deal when she got home she stated playing that over and over again in her mind. She was dwelling on something that meant absolutely nothing. Then that night she had a dream about him. Oh no here we go...
After having a dream about him she woke up with these feelings that didn't feel right. She woke up and began to pray. She began to evaluate her thoughts and realized what she was doing was totally wrong. She was not listening to her conscience and it was time she did something about this "crush".
My friend did not know this person at all so if this crush was going to continue she thought it would be wise to ask one of her friends who knew this guy better than she did. The txt was taking longer than expected so she picked up the Harris book again to get a little read in. She got to a part in chapter ten about Pollutants. Harris gave three pollutants of the heart based on 1 John 2:15-16 which says "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the Father but is from the world." The three pollutants that Harris wrote about were infatuation, lust, and self pity. As she began to read about infatuations she became extremely convicted. It seemed as if every word Joshua Harris wrote was about her. He says "You've probably experienced it-the constant thoughts about someone who has caught your eye, the heart palpitations whenever that person walks by, the hours spent dreaming of a future with that special someone. It's infatuation, and i know it well, having experienced it myself!" She could not help but laugh in amazement that this is was HER. As she continued reading she stopped and prayed through her thoughts asking the Lord to forgive her and show her more of her sinful desires. She kept reading but the part that got to her the most was this, Joshua says "In addition to diverting our attention from God, infatuation can cause problems for us because it is most often founded on illusion. When infatuated with someone, we tend to build up that person in our imaginations as the perfect guy or girl. We think we'd be happy forever if that person would return our affections. Of course, we can only sustain our silly crush because we've substituted fantasy for all the information we lack about the person. As soon as we get to know that person's true identity and discover that our "perfect" man or woman is human like everyone else, our dreams fade and we move on to a new crush."
As soon as she finished reading this paragraph her friend txted her back telling her that the boy she was "crushing" on was not a believer and was a ladies man who flirted with every girl he met. She told her that he was bad news and that he was not who she thought she was. She said to me, very embarrassed, that for some reason she already knew that her friend was going to say that. My friend was embarrassed, ashamed, sad, and didn't know what to do at that point. She said she just began to pray and asked the Lord to give her an understanding mind to get over this stupid crush. She was so thankful to her friend because she told her straight up who this guy really was. I admire her for doing what she did because even though the guy she was crushing on turned out to disappoint her, finding out who he really is was better than giving into more temptation and falling in too deep because she was blinded with infatuation.
It's time for me to come clean. This experience isn't about my friend, it's about me. How could someone be so blind, stupid, and do such a thing? I COULD!!! This situation can happen to anyone and that is the reason why i am sharing this with you. It's embarrassing to admit my sinfulness but i am relieved to confess it because it had challenged so much and it is only by God's AMAZING grace that He opened my eyes to this. It's challenged me to guard my heart, cling to the Lord when i am tempted, trust Him alone with my relationships in the future, and run far far away from infatuation, lust, and self-pity. Harris explained later in that chapter that God takes these sins very seriously and i wasn't. My struggle not only challenged me in those areas but also take drastic measures to run away from those three things.
After finishing my first semester of college i realized that the choices i make now are really going to make an impact in my future, especially in the area of relationships. I know myself and the area of boys is a weak area that i want to grow in. Not so i can get married faster or whatever but because i want whatever i do to honor and glorify the Master. The beginning of a new year is a big deal for everyone but i resolve to look at it as 365 new days, if the Lord wills, for me to live pursuing purity for his glory. My faith is simple: Jesus+NOTHING=Everything, it's time i start living it. To God be the GLORY!

{In Christ Alone}

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{TMC Stories} -November 2011-

Hi friend! I'm starting something different on my blog. A little something called TMC STORIES. I am going to journal my experience through blogging and hopefully i can look back one day and laugh :) Here we go...

College, it is so everything my older friends told me it would be. Right now I'm sitting in Powell Library at The Master's College and I just had to stop and write about my experience in college so far (it's only been 3 months).
I am so thankful and blessed to go to such an amazing Christian school where the professors live out what they teach and want to see their students succeed based on what the Bible says. Coming from the public school scene i am have blown away by the atmosphere and the love of Christ that shines and thrives at TMC.
My favorite class so far has to be Old Testament with Dr. Wong. This class has been an incredible blessing to my life and Dr. Wong has taught me so much about how to practically live my life. Not only have I been able to read through the Old Testament, which is something I've never done before, but i get to learn about prayer through Dr. Jim Rosscup's book on prayer. This class has been a challenge because a lot of the Old Testament repeats its self but there is a reason for that. The Israelite' s could not get it through their stubborn heads that God demanded them to be obedient to his law and they could not do it. This has been teaching me about my relationship with God. He tells me to obey His word over and over again and i just cannot be faithful. I am a sinner saved by grace but by reading through the Old Testament i can see myself in the people of Israel. I'm extremely thankful for that!
My second favorite class has to be World History with Prof. Jensen. This class is very demanding when it come to studying because Prof. J's tests are no walk in the park! His tests have taught a whole lot about discipline and the kind of work that it takes to get the grade that i want. I got a D on the first exam and i felt like running out of that class room crying but there was hope!! We did a grade calculation and i set a goal for myself and with God's help i reached my goal. I had to change how i studied for the test and make more time to memorize and understand all the information that he gave us. Changing the way i did things for his exam started to change how i did other things in my life when it came to being disciplined. What i have been taking away from this challenging class is just that, it's a challenge! But if i work hard and i am disciplined i can accomplish the goals that i have set for myself.
College life is amazing. I have seen the Lord change me in many ways and has challenged my soul this semester. Life at home has also been adding to the challenge of being a college student. Not living on campus makes it difficult to go to any dorm event or student life events because I'm not a part of a dorm and i don't have a car right now so i can't drive back and forth. I've been challenged with being content with living at home this semester and next. I know that this is the Lord's will and that this is what's best for me right now and will bring Him the most glory. What an amazing lesson to learn and i hope and pray that i can submit to His will for my life right now.
Like i said college is everything my friends told me it would be but i honestly think it's way more amazing than i would have ever thought. Until next time
{Psalm 119:9-11}

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Master's Here I Come :)

This past November i applied to The Master's College hoping and praying that it would be God's will for me to attend next fall as a freshman. I wasn't really sure how it was going to go down because my grades are basic and my SAT score well lets not get into that haha. Today 1/11/11 i received my ACCEPTANCE letter to the school i've been DREAMING about since freshman year of high school. Most of my friends attend there and have been accepted and now i can say that i'm one of the future MUSTANGS :))))))
Proverbs 16:9
"The mind of man plans his was, but the Lord directs his steps."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Justin Bieber's My World Tour

OH MY GASHHH 1 more day until me and Carleigh see the one and only Justin Bieber at Staples for his tour :))))))))))))

I dont think ill be able to sleep of concentrate on school tomorrow so we'll see but i'll definetely keep you posted with pictures and a discription of the wholleee nighht :)

As JB would say when U SMILE I SMILE :))))

Thursday, August 12, 2010

[Re]Generation Pictures

200+ teenagers from Grace Community Church on 6 buses on our way to Glorieta, NM

We stopped at 3AM for McDonalds :)
Welcome to Glorieta, NM

H-o-t-t-o-g-o the FIRE DRAGONS are HOTT TO GO :)

Oh yeah and LECRAE came to perform for us :)

Our 3 speakers Austin Duncan, John MacArthur, and Rick Holland

I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHY CREDIT: EMMA HARASICK http://emmaleighphotography.blogspot.com/
Regeneration Summer Camp 2010
Titus 3:5-7
5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.