Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{TMC Stories} -November 2011-

Hi friend! I'm starting something different on my blog. A little something called TMC STORIES. I am going to journal my experience through blogging and hopefully i can look back one day and laugh :) Here we go...

College, it is so everything my older friends told me it would be. Right now I'm sitting in Powell Library at The Master's College and I just had to stop and write about my experience in college so far (it's only been 3 months).
I am so thankful and blessed to go to such an amazing Christian school where the professors live out what they teach and want to see their students succeed based on what the Bible says. Coming from the public school scene i am have blown away by the atmosphere and the love of Christ that shines and thrives at TMC.
My favorite class so far has to be Old Testament with Dr. Wong. This class has been an incredible blessing to my life and Dr. Wong has taught me so much about how to practically live my life. Not only have I been able to read through the Old Testament, which is something I've never done before, but i get to learn about prayer through Dr. Jim Rosscup's book on prayer. This class has been a challenge because a lot of the Old Testament repeats its self but there is a reason for that. The Israelite' s could not get it through their stubborn heads that God demanded them to be obedient to his law and they could not do it. This has been teaching me about my relationship with God. He tells me to obey His word over and over again and i just cannot be faithful. I am a sinner saved by grace but by reading through the Old Testament i can see myself in the people of Israel. I'm extremely thankful for that!
My second favorite class has to be World History with Prof. Jensen. This class is very demanding when it come to studying because Prof. J's tests are no walk in the park! His tests have taught a whole lot about discipline and the kind of work that it takes to get the grade that i want. I got a D on the first exam and i felt like running out of that class room crying but there was hope!! We did a grade calculation and i set a goal for myself and with God's help i reached my goal. I had to change how i studied for the test and make more time to memorize and understand all the information that he gave us. Changing the way i did things for his exam started to change how i did other things in my life when it came to being disciplined. What i have been taking away from this challenging class is just that, it's a challenge! But if i work hard and i am disciplined i can accomplish the goals that i have set for myself.
College life is amazing. I have seen the Lord change me in many ways and has challenged my soul this semester. Life at home has also been adding to the challenge of being a college student. Not living on campus makes it difficult to go to any dorm event or student life events because I'm not a part of a dorm and i don't have a car right now so i can't drive back and forth. I've been challenged with being content with living at home this semester and next. I know that this is the Lord's will and that this is what's best for me right now and will bring Him the most glory. What an amazing lesson to learn and i hope and pray that i can submit to His will for my life right now.
Like i said college is everything my friends told me it would be but i honestly think it's way more amazing than i would have ever thought. Until next time
{Psalm 119:9-11}