Thursday, July 22, 2010


Awwww yeahhhh!! Last night at the Pre Camp Rally we were told our Summer Camp Teams and i am on the FIRE DRAGONSSSSS!! We are going to dominate this year and i am so happy that i know 4 people including my best frienddd Brookeyyyyy :)
REGENERATION Summer Camp 2010 3 days 2 days awayyyyyyyyy

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pre Regen 2010

Can't believe summer camp is ONE WEEK AWAY :) Summer camp with Oneighty Ministry is the best vacation you can ever take! One week of
-Intense confrontation with sin and the Word of God
-Getting away from family, friends, and the worries of life and travel on a 18+ bus ride to Glorieta, New Mexico
-Competition with 16 teams to see who are all trying to win the title of SUMMER CAMP GAMES winner and this is where the fruits of the Spirit come in NOT.... so much competition with Team Spirit, Shirt making, showing your swagg with team colors, etc
-Fellowship with other churches that join us
-Wonderful time of worship with the best band ever
As you can imagine this week before camp is going to be insane
-finding out team names and colors
-saying goodbye to the peeps
-and not being able to sleep for the next couple of days
regen regen summa summa camp 2010

Yeah we're gonna have fun this year NO DOUBT :)

Humility~ CJ Mahaney continued....

I have had the most Spiritual filled week ever and i wanted to continue to share with you what i have been learning out of CJ Mahaney's book Humility. As each day ends we should
7. End the day transferring the GLORY to God
This is so important because we can so often not even than God for the day He has so graciously given us.
"Whatever successes you experience in you life and ministry and vocation, learn to immediately transfer the glory to Him" ( 81)
Something else that i learned that i am so happy to do from now on is...

8. Thank God and receive His gift of sleep and acknowledge His purpose for sleeping
I am more than happy to thank God for sleep but the bigger picture is that we need to understand the true purpose of sleep. It's not just laying our head down to rest and waking up the next morning but acknowledging that WE ARE NOT GOD! My high school pastor says that every time we are at Summer Camp or Winter Camp because as teenagers we are so use to staying up until 12am ever night and he wants us to go to sleep. In this section i learned that it's so true and we often don't even think about sleep and God together. I don't think I've ever "thanked" God for sleep unless i was extreme
ly tired but to me that was a joke. This is seriously teaching us that God doesn't sleep or fall asleep EVER! In Psalm 121:4 it says "Behold he who keeps Israel does not slumber nor SLEEP." Can you imagine that!! What a different view i have of God and a lesser view we should have of ourselves! I can't even stay up 24 hours but God NEVER sleeps we should be so thankful to the Lord for giving us the wonderful gift of sleep and be reminded that "we are the creature and He is the Creator" (84)
"Seize this opportunity to mortify pride and cultivate humility by setting apart sleep as a holy gift from God, as a reminder of your full dependence on Him and as an occasion to examine your heart before Him." (86)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Humility~ CJ Mahaney

I was given this book to read by my High School pastor Austin Duncan and it's about something we all struggle with...HUMILITY
For me its one of the most difficult things because we dont think we need God. We think we can do it all on our own and that is PRIDE!! Here's some ways we can be HUMBLE on a day to day basis:

#1. Begin yor day by acknowledging your dependence upon God and
your need for God
- Preach truth to yourself (know Scripture)

#2. Begin your day expressing gratefulness to God
"Thankfulness is a soil in which pride does not grow easily."
-An ungrateful person is a PROUD person.. God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the HUMBLE James 4:6

#3. Practice the Spiritual disciplines- praying, studying God's word, worship

#4. Seize your commute time to memorize Scripture
Psalm 119

#5. Cast your CARES upon HIM (My favorite one)
1 Peter 5:6-7 "Therefore HUMBLE yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time. Casting all your anxieties upon Him because He CARES FOR YOU"
-the HUMBLE are genuinely care free

Question??- What comes into your mind when you think about GOD??

Senior Year Summer 2010

I cant believe Junior Year is over and im officially a SENIORRR say whaaattt??? Im on summer vacation right now and i am so happy to sleep in to 11am and eat junk
food (but still workout gotta get up sometime right?)
So two things i really enjoyed doing so far are going to the BEEEACCHH and going to see the DODGERS :) Even though they lost 7-3 and it was BURNING HOTTT i still had fun hanging out with my peepz from 180 Ministry
Here's a few pics.......

My best friend Brooke holding out pastor Austin's daughter Adeline
Kaitlyn holding our pastors other daughter Ella lovee herrr
Next up for me is SUMMER CAMP 2010 WITH 180 Ministry. We're headed to Glorieta, New Mexico for one whole week full of adventures on a 18 hour bus drive and competitive, disgusting, weird summer camp games with a bunch of other churches :) But most of all the THREE best preachers they could find JOHN MACARTHUR, RICK HOLLAND, and out High School pastor AUSTIN T. DUNCAN!!! Who are going to be teaching us from Titus 3:5-7 "He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."