Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Testimony of a true Christian

"I live everyday like its my last day on the earth honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ!! I also repent every day of my sins because I am a wretched sinner who deserves hell, but by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ I am SAVED and on my way to Heaven!!!!!!!!!

I hate my sin, every time I sin it pulls me away from my Savior, the sin keeps me away from the Bible, and the Divine Holy Power of the Bible keeps me away from sin. Every time my sinful flesh feels lazy to spend time in the Bible, I start drifting away. The Bible is like my food, when I don't feast upon it, I starve. Thankfully...somehow... the Lord graciously pulls me back to Him every time I sin, and He forgives me for every sin I commit. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!

I did nothing to earn my salvation, the Lord graciously saved me. I cant tell you enough of how much joy I feel knowing that one day I will be with Him. He has done everything for me, He has given every ability that I have. I havent earned any of it. I am a worthless, no good, selfish, sinner without Christ. I am as filthy and wretched as any other sinner, I am not better than anybody, or deserve anything more than anyone, but I was given Grace from God, therefore I go. Through His love and mercy I am a Child of Christ.

Being a Christian is living out your life honoring and glorifying God. Setting yourself apart from this world. Repenting of your sins everyday and being an example of Christ. The way a Christian lives their life reflects on Christ. As a Christian you cant have the world and God. You cant live your life with both sin and God. You cant live two lives because that is being a hypocrite. Its one or the other, because if your living a worldy life and a Christian life, you are luke warm and God will spit you right out. So give everything up and fallow Christ and not be a part of this world. Dont even put yourself in a situation where you might be able to sin. Run far from it and pursue Christ." - Collin Keoshian

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"No one can serve two masters.." Matthew 6:24

Wow its been FOREVER since ive blogged and well its been a distracting couple of months. To be honest my heart has been somewhere else, where exactly, BIEBER WORLD!!! My last 4 months have been revolving around a 16 year old singer by the name of Justin Bieber. Now for some girls that ok and they have major BIEBER FEVER but for me that's not ok. Ive gotten back fire from my brother and from my friends who jokingly say "Oh Lizzie you're so obsessed with Justin Bieber" but i know they don't just mean it like that. I really am OBSESSED with Justin Bieber and like i said that's not ok. Why is that not ok... well because i serve a Holy King and Jesus is and should be the main focus of my life. The Bible says you can't serve TWO Masters and lately that's how it's been. I go to church and "Worship" God and then i come home (don even apply what i leaned at Church) and i log on to Twitter to see what the latest post on Justin is not to mention i follow him via my phone so i know the latest BIEBER news. Wow just writing this sounds so pathetic.
Yes it is ok to like someone and be a fan but like some girls I've taken it too far. I am a Christian and what i want to be doing is spreading the GOOD NEWS of Salvation instead im being a hypocrite and living my life for JUSTIN BIEBER.
The truth is he's an adorable boy who has the sweetest voice but that gives me no reason to be OBSESSED with him. I know every single song by memory, I know so much detail about his life i feel like a stalker and I am just like ALL THE OTHER BILIEBERS out there.
*Justin no offence what so ever i love you and ill always be a fan trust me but i think a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do sometime and just take a step back and realize what's important in life and for me that is JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR!*
I just have to do this for myself and for the growth in my life that im NOT experiencing.
~In Christ Alone~

Romans 10:9-10 (New International Version)
9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved